Humans of Market Shares, July 10th

Humans of Market Shares (aka HOMS) is a new project that attempts to showcase the vibrant community built around Market Shares. Sometimes it's easy to arrive on Thursday, pack your share, and leave without much more interaction (we know you're eager to get home and munch on your veggies). The maybe ten minutes that process takes doesn't come close to representing the full BMSP experience. Brown Market Shares Program is a collaboration between so many different kinds of people - Brown undergrads, grad student, faculty, and staff from all over the world in Providence to do so many cool things. With this in mind, and inspired by Humans of New York, HOMS will continually spotlight shareholders, volunteers, coordinators, and farmers as a means to share the pride we have for our community. Take a look at HOMS and learn more about your fellow BMSP-ers!

Why do you do Market Shares?
"My motivation, why I signed up for this, was about the eggs. I really am concerned about where my eggs come from and how the chickens are treated."

What is your spirit vegetable?
"A red pepper because it is colorful and vibrant and crunch and it’s bordering that fruit/vegetable line."

If you were a fruit or vegetable, which would you be?
"Garlic, because a little goes a long way."

What is your favorite thing you’ve made with your share?
"I’ve made lots of stir frys."

If you were a fruit or vegetable, which would you be?
"Snap peas. They are ending their season and they’re not as good right now and I’m kind of in a lull in my research right now, you know there have been better times in my research. I feel the snap peas, they have had better times in the season."

Why do you do Market Shares?
"I like supporting local farmers."

What is your favorite thing you have made with your share?
"I made veggie burgers with the onions and the garlic scapes. And then I bought sweet potatoes and chick peas."

What are you most excited about in this week’s share?
"Well, I have been out of lettuce, so I’m glad I can make more salad. And I love sugar snap peas, I could just sit there and eat them like popcorn."

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