Purchasing, Beets and Onions, and the Trade Box
Thank you so much to all of those who filled out our mid-season survey! We spend a lot of time going through the responses as a team, and it is always a great opportunity for us to learn, and also to brainstorm how to make things better. We came up with a list of some of the primary questions and concerns that you brought up in your survey responses that we wanted to address. These points include general confusion about our purchasing process, wanting fewer beets, wanting onions, and a lot of very mixed feedback about the Trade Box trial this season. Please click READ MORE below to read our responses. We hope they answer your questions!
Thanks so much for being a part of this season! If you still have any questions about the following points or anything else, please don't hesitate to talk to a coordinator at Market Day, or email us at info@brownmarketshares.com.
-The BMSP Coordinating Team
Katie, Meg, Anna, Jenna, Antonia, Julie, and Taylor